Jacki's News

Read here to catch up on my latest news - cause we all know how bad I am with email!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Camp Quality Mini Camp 2005

Over the past weekend we had Camp Quality's mini camp, or winter camp. We went to Waihi Beach Christian Camp for 2 nights.

The bus picked us up in Hamilton on Friday 2nd and took the LONGEST trip to get to Waihi Beach, but we eventually got there! That afternoon was spent on the beach (200m from the camp!). I got to build a sandcastle with my 11 year old camper. I haven't built one of those in YEARS! It was so much fun. I had two 15 year old campers as well, and they were happy lying on the beach, reading magazines.

Most of Saturday was spent in Waihi. Firstly, we went to Martha Mine, which is a MASSIVE open-pit mine that is due to close down in 2007. They get gold and silver out of that mine. After that sightseeing trip, we got to go on an old fashion train and went for a trip into the gorge.

Sunday morning was spent at the beach again. Crazy kids who like going swimming at this time of year (including my 11 year old!). I watched from the safety of the beach. After lunch, it was another lovely bus ride home.

It was a nice, relaxed camp this time, so wasn't so tired when I got home. Still tired enough to go to bed at 8.30pm though!

Bring on summer camp in January!!