Jacki's News

Read here to catch up on my latest news - cause we all know how bad I am with email!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

lack of reports

I haven't been updating much lately as I've been quite sick. After visiting the doctor a few times, they have decided......not much. I'm on the great public waiting list for some ultrasounds, which I've been told can be up to 4 months! The doctor said she isn't overly worried, so I'm trying not to be. She did tell me that I'm stressed (hence the headaches) so I need to calm down and relax.....hmmmm. I've come out of my little depression slump and am intending to be positive about things as much as possible. Onwards and upwards!

On 15 June, it was my 29th birthday. Sadly, this was a bad sick day for me. I tried to brave it, but after spending the day on the couch, a group of us went out for dinner to a new restaurant in town. I lasted about 1.5 hours and 5 bites before I headed home to bed. I left everyone as they headed to another place for dessert.
Many thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes - I did appreciate them at the time, but had no energy or will to reply.

Camp Quality training this coming weekend - will be good to catch up with some old friends!