Jacki's News

Read here to catch up on my latest news - cause we all know how bad I am with email!

Friday, September 23, 2005

My first "work paid" training course!

Wed and Thurs this week I attended a Dreamweaver course in Auckland. This is where we learnt how to make webpages and how to use Dreamweaver. The first day was basic concepts of creating webpages. I can already make webpages, so I struggled to stay awake! I did end up helping the other lady from my work that went as she had never done anything like that before.

Got to stay in a hotel and have my meals paid for, so that was a plus to going away for a course. We stayed in the Quality Inn in Grey Lynn. NOT recommended! The photos on their website must have been doctored because it did NOT look like that! The wallpaper had cellotape holding it up, the bed covers looked like they hadn’t been washed in ages and there was a funky smell in our room. Lucky the restaurant attached was of better quality. That’s where we had breakfast and dinner both days.

Boy, was I glad to get home!