Jacki's News

Read here to catch up on my latest news - cause we all know how bad I am with email!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I hate being sick...

Back at work today after being off work since last Friday lunchtime. Went to work last Friday with a killer headache. It felt like my head was in a vice and someone was turning it tighter and tighter. After nearly falling over from a head rush, I decided to go home. Not so easy when you still have an hour drive home!

Spent that afternoon and all weekend moping around the house. Had a nice sore throat to go along with the headache.

Finally went to the doctor on Tuesday to be diagnosed with an ear and throat infection. So on antibiotics for the next few days to clear that up. Was told I have to put up the blocked ear for up to 6 weeks! Yuck! Suppose to be off work all week (according to the doctor) but I have no sick leave, so I’m back at work today. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery because it’s FAR too expensive to be sick in the world today!! (Plus, I just don’t have time to be sick!)