Jacki's News

Read here to catch up on my latest news - cause we all know how bad I am with email!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The last month....

I just realised it's been a month since my last update.
Unlike half of my friends, I have no overseas adventures to share.

Firstly, here are some of my better photos from the wedding I did on 11th May.

Rings & Bride's Bouquets

Bride and her sisters

Bride & Groom

Since my last update, my darling sister has turned 25!! Yes I am feeling quite old! Her birthday was Monday 21st May, but seeing as she was working afternoons that week, she came over for dinner on the Sunday. In the end, she worked a morning later in the week, so the usual crowd (Rach, Cam, Kim, Quentin, Jo and I) went out for dinner at Cobb n Co. We couldn't convince the girl to sing the birthday chant (or rather, Jo's begging NOT to won). Isn't that the whole part of going to Cobb n Co for your birthday????

The following Friday, my friend had a farewell dinner in Tauranga at Zeytins. This is a FANTASTIC Turkish restaurant. Would recommend it to anyone. The atmosphere was great, with comfy seats with pillows around the walls of the entire restaurant. My lovely friend, Adam from Camp Quality, is heading over to the USA to go to Camp USA. He's a trained teacher, has been doing Camp Quality for a number of years now - you could say he likes kids! And still a spring chicken at 21!

I stayed at Mum's that night and we spent the day together on Saturday - shopping! For some reason, my Mum likes to go shopping and spend my money! Bought a few new clothes, which apparently I needed new accessories for!!! Gotta love that logic! My credit card may not have liked it as much. Ahhh well....

Queen's Birthday weekend has just past. I sadly could not leave town as I was on call for work.
Good point - a public holiday means a day in lieu
Bad point - getting calls at 1.45am 2 out of 3 nights, making sleeping not an option

The only news is that next Friday is my birthday!!!! Everyone note that down!

For those in the neighbourhood or wanting to visit, we're heading out for dinner!
7pm at The Crazy Farmer Restaurant in Hamilton. Let me know if you want a space at the table and I'll book you in!