Jacki's News

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Go the ABs!

So many things on at the moment, but to add to it, we got tickets to see the All Blacks play the poor Aussies. I can say this now......as we WON!!!!!!!

Rach, Cam and I headed up to Auckland on Saturday 21 July to see the game. The weather forecast wasn't the best, so we went prepared. We met Rach's parents and Trudie (Cam's sister) at a brewery/pub for dinner, then thought we'd walk to the game from there.
As we were walking down the road, this bus pulls into the bus stop just ahead of us - free shuttle to Eden Park! HELLO! So we jumped on!

We got to the park along with hunderds of others and managed to find our seats. Just before I got seated, the heavens opened! It was the heaviest rain I've ever stood in! I grabbed out my tarp and wrapped it around me. That's how we sat for the entire first half of the game! By half time, the rain had stopped, but then the wind started. This is really pushing me to invest in a proper rain jacket!!

At the end of the game - which I will say again, WE WON!!!!!!! - we headed out to look for that free shuttle again. It wasn't meant to be. There were the normal bus routes, but we couldn't find the free shuttle. The others said we could walk back to the car. ONE HOUR later, we arrived at where we parked. It was a bit of a hike, but also I was carrying a lot of extra weight as everything was wet and weighed double, plus the walk was nearly entirely uphill!

Anyway, as much fun as I had - I don't think I'm that huge a fan of rugby as I first thought. I'm not too keen to sit through weather like that again!! Maybe I'll need to splash out for covered seats next time! ;-) Ahh who am I kidding! Of course I'll end up doing it again!!!!