Jacki's News

Read here to catch up on my latest news - cause we all know how bad I am with email!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

So many things to do....not enough time

Tonight was quick hectic! Finished work early so I could go to the Europe Expo run by the Flight Centre. They have heaps of specials of flights to Europe and contiki tours. There were many tables to visit and we only had just over an hour (before my night class started). Some very tempting offers were put in front of us (me and Cameron), so the plan we went in with, quickly flew out the window.

We are just going to have to sit down with the tones of brochures we got and work out exactly what we want to do and where we want to go.

From there, I went to my second night class. We had to bring a cake that we’d previously baked. I managed to bake one last night. Still can’t get it to stop peaking, but a knife made quick work of that! I made a chocolate one as I don’t like the fruit ones. That just means I will have to bake another cake in a few weeks and cover it for the last class – when we put our pre-made decorations on the cake. I’m sure the troops won’t mind trying another cake!

Tonight we learnt how to put the fondant icing on the cake. That’s the smooth, white icing that is used on many fruit cakes and themed cakes. Great surface to work off when trying to create decorations for the cake. There is quite a skill in getting the icing on the right way, etc. We have to put one layer on the cake, then wait overnight for it to set before putting the second layer on. I have chocolate fondant for my top layer, so have to be careful not to get icing sugar all over it, otherwise it will look patchy.

Will put the top layer on tomorrow night and decorate it with some basic ideas she showed us. Who knew fondant could do so much! I will try to remember to take a photo so you can see my first masterpiece! Don’t hold your breath though…