Jacki's News

Read here to catch up on my latest news - cause we all know how bad I am with email!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

13 Days To Go!!

I can't believe in 2 weeks time I will be in London!!!!!!!!! Still have a couple of things to organise, but not major things. Other than that, I'm in denial this is actually happening. Cameron and I have been talking about it since Easter last year and now it's ACTUALLY happening!!!!

Not too much has happened since I last wrote on here - besides the countdown!

Yesterday we had a cake competition at work. I was quite excited cause I thought I'd be able to show off my new found skills. Turns out that didn't happen. Had an idea of what I wanted to do but also found this cool cake I wanted to do for my sister's birthday. Everyone at work wanted me to make this other cake and not the fancy one - so that's what I did. The icing actually started to set on me (which isn't suppose to happen with buttercream frosting so something didn't go right). The top looks a little mank, but oh well.....it was all in the name of fun!

It's a Watermelon Cake (for those who can't tell!!)

I have also added a photo in my photo gallery of the earrings I made at Easter - Click Here