Jacki's News

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Sunday, October 08, 2006

I'm appreciated!

Last week, we had Appreciate your Workmate week at work. This is like the secret admirer thing, but didn't want to call it something like that for a workplace. We put our names in a draw and then we got someone's form back. Our forms just had helpful things like favourite colour, food, flower, etc.

I got quite spoilt, and I was really impressed by how thoughtful my person was who was secretly appreciating me. I was slightly difficult and put my favourite colour as metallic blue. I do love that colour, but it always makes for a challenge. On the Monday morning, I got a lovely METALLIC BLUE piece of cloth! Think it's a serviette, but I've used it as a small table cover. Looks lovely! And my person followed on all week with my favourites!!

The person I secretly appreciated was someone I don't actually see too often, so I didn't know how she was reacting to her gifts. So I'd get one of my friends to deliver it and get her to come back with the reaction! My person had a fantastic week, and for me, that was what it was all about.

We all gathered at the social club bar on the Friday after work, and we all revealed who we've been appreciating. Was very interesting to see who was doing who! It was a FANTASTIC week!!