Jacki's News

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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Think twice before getting a cake decorated!

Last night I attended my 4th night class. I can't believe I only have 2 sessions to go!

We made roses last night. It took us about an hour to make 3. Small ones at that. Mine looked like crap, so no photos to show you, but I'm going to get some cutters and try again. If they are successful, then I will post a photo.

But our tutor was talking to us about pricing a cake if someone asked us to make one. She was saying they charge about $10 a flower!!!!! That does include a leaf or 2 and maybe a couple of filler flowers, but generally if you want a bunch of flowers done for your cake, start saving now! I don't get why you'd want to pay $10 for a fake flower when a real one costs about $2-5 each!

So I have a real appreciation for those that make cakes for a living. You'd want a comfy chair with a tv and drink on hand, otherwise you'd go insane doing a dozen roses! We took about an hour, but it should've taken longer. You're meant to let each layer set properly before putting on the next one. We just rushed it to get it done in class.

So in a couple of weeks, I will have a lovely decorated cake.......ummm.......if I get some more practice in!!!