Jacki's News

Read here to catch up on my latest news - cause we all know how bad I am with email!

Monday, November 14, 2005

We have finally done it!

Cameron and I went to the travel agent on Friday night - and came out about $2300 poorer!

We have bought our flights to Europe next year! Now it's all becoming rather real!

When we first arrive, we have 5 days to see London and surrounding areas. Then we are going to do a Contiki Tour for 25 days. Click here to see the one we've choosen.

From there we are heading to Denmark to stay with my host family for a couple of weeks. Bornholm is our first stop (where I did my student exchange MANY years ago). This is where my host parents live and half the extended family. I also hope to catch up with some old Danish school friends there. From there we will go to Copenhagen where my 4 host sisters and brother-in-law live. Poor Cameron is going to get the constant "this is where I went to school, this is where we hung out, this is something else....". I just can't wait to show my Danish life to someone from NZ. Although I'm sure Cameron will smile and pretend he cares, it would be good to show people that actually knew me when I was away. Next time!!!!

From Denmark we're going across to see Ingrid in Norway. We hosted Ingrid in 1999 in Tauranga. She came to NZ at the start of 2005 for a visit, but I can't wait to meet her family and see her life over there.

Then it's back home to pay off that credit card!!!

At the moment, we are leaving on the 29th May and returning on the 20th July - may extend to have a couple of nights in Thailand. I mean, if you're going via Bangkok, then you may as well make the most of it!!

So the countdown begins........ 203 Days til we leave!