Jacki's News

Read here to catch up on my latest news - cause we all know how bad I am with email!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

I just want to cry....

I took my car to the garage yesterday for a check-up, cause it was making some funny noises I hadn't heard before.

The damage:
3 new fan belts
a new gearbox

The bearings in the gearbox have gone but it costs more to replace them than to get a new gearbox! So getting the fan belts next week and save up for the gearbox for next year. A second-hand one STARTS at $600.......HELP!
And knowing me, I'll need a new cambelt shortly. It's overdue for one. They are going to check it out next week. That will be something to do in the new year!

So this also means I don't get my full discount on my Contiki holiday for next year, as I have to use the money I saved for that to pay for parts for my car. Oh the dramas!

It's taken me overnight to process the whole thing, but I've calmed down now. I think I was so worked up yesterday cause the receptionist was as useless as tits on a bull, plus she kept talking down to me. Rude cow!

Well that's my little rant for the moment. Nothing else exciting to report at the moment.

Just over a week til Christmas Holidays!