Jacki's News

Read here to catch up on my latest news - cause we all know how bad I am with email!

Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Christmas was like any other year......lots of people and lots of food!

It started about 8am for me. I just couldn't sleep any longer. I'd only been off work 2 days so wasn't completely in holiday mood yet.

I fluffed around the kitchen getting bits and pieces ready......including my Christmas cake! The one I've been building since I finished my cake decorating class. The cake store ran out of things to make leaves so I only had my 2 practice ones to put in the spray. It was meant to be a nice long spray to stretch across the top of the cake, but ended up being a little posie. Still quite nice I think. Shame about the writing though. I slipped doing the M in Christmas, so the AS is jammed on the end.

My sister Jo arrived about 11am to help set things up as Mum and the Morten family (minus Brigitte who's in Vietnam) were arriving at 12pm for lunch. I made some yummy scones, which looked great after about 15 mins - but for some strange reason, I just looked at them, then shut the oven door and went upstairs. Left them in there for about another 15 mins! They weren't burnt, but they were dry and brown. I was so disappointed as I was really looking forward to nice fluffy scones.

After lunch we opened presents! I must say, I did quite nicely!! I got a breadmaker, air bed and electric pump (you know the ones that run from your car lighter!) plus heaps of other little bits and pieces, making up quite a collection of gifts!

Rach's family (Mum, Dad and sister) came over about 3pm, just in time to meet Rach as she finished work. Yes, poor Rach had a 9 hour shift at the resthome, starting at 6am!

So everyone sat around and chatted for a few hours before we decided to start putting together food for dinner.

Allan (Rach's dad) was in charge of the BBQ!

We had enough food to feed an army, as everyone seem to bring enough to share with everyone. Rach made her first pavalova, which she should be very proud of the result. I've never seen a homemade pav look so......round?!! So perfect really?! Well done Rach!

I will be eating leftovers for a week!