Jacki's News

Read here to catch up on my latest news - cause we all know how bad I am with email!

Monday, December 19, 2005

I need to harden up!

Saturday was spent hiding inside from the rain, watching movies. There was a brief disruption to it when all of a sudden I saw something out the corner of my eye. Oh yes, we had a leak! Right into the Christmas tree, of all places! So pulled the tree out of the way, shoved all the presents against the wall and jammed a bucket underneath. Yesterday the tree was still wet in the middle. As you can guess, we won't be turning on the lights any time soon!

Sunday, my Mum and Jo came over. Mum brought over her loppers so we could attack the plants down the drive (so we could get out of our cars!). Both of them ended up helping me for about 4 hours!! We cleared the driveway, the plant growing on the gate and fence by the front door and cleared out the herb garden. It's only cause it hosed down that we stopped. Those black clouds sure roll in fast!!!

So this morning I have a few aches.....mainly my back and back of my thighs. I had the job of picking up all the clippings and lugging them across the backyard to the compost heap! Can't complain too much as Mum and Jo didn't really need to help! THANKS GUYS!!!

Yay, only 6 days til Christmas.........and only 3.5 days of work left for me!!