Jacki's News

Read here to catch up on my latest news - cause we all know how bad I am with email!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Me and my mate Greg

Just needed to brag about my new best friend.......

Was just hanging out at work when Greg came up to me and wanted to chat. He offered me a signed poster and wanted to pose for a photo with me. It was really sweet of him.

For those don't know, Greg Murphy races Holden cars in the V8s. Hamilton City Council brought the V8s to Hamilton next year - very exciting stuff!

He was actually at the Council to help with our promotion of fuel saving - the prize for the person who saves the most fuel in a Council car (not sure how they'll measure it) and the winner gets to go around the V8 track with Greg! Sadly, the IT department do not get to drive vehicles often, so don't really get a chance to enter. :-(